Park Design
in Ebbsfleet
Ebbsfleet’s parks put the ‘garden’ into the Garden City. This section sets out the design guidance you should use to develop your park designs for Ebbsfleet >
Ebbsfleet's Park Types
Ebbsfleet’s park network is based on a hierarchy of four types of park. Click on a park type below to find out more about the design principles for each park scale, and the types of facility they should provide.
Ebbsfleet's Park Design Criteria
EDC have developed park design criteria that should be delivered in all Parks projects, and will be used to assess all planning applications that include a parks . Click below to download criteria checklist >
Hard Surface and Street Furniture Guidance
Ebbsfleet's Planting Guidance
Use our planting guide to ensure the trees and planting in your project enhance the character, biodiversity and climate resilience of Ebbsfleet’s distinctive landscapes and habitats >
Park Case Studies