Building design
in Ebbsfleet

Ebbsfleet’s buildings should be as characterful and distinctive as our landscapes, and be accessible, sustainable and healthy for everybody at every stage of their lives. Use the guidance below to demonstrate compliance with these design objectives >


Ebbsfleet Character Design Guide

Use our design narratives to ensure your buildings are characterful and distinctive to Ebbsfleet >

Getting the details right...

EDC has developed a range of detailed design guides for key building elements. Together these form a design-code for the detailing of your building, which will be used to assess planning applications >

Front Doors

Communal entrances

Balconies and terraces

Dormer windows


Front boundaries

Ebbsfleet Sustainability Assessment Guide

Download guidance on how to assess the sustainable performance of planning applications within the urban development area of Ebbsfleet >

Ebbsfleet Sustainable Travel and Parking

Explore Ebbsfleet’s Sustainable Strategy, or use the links below to jump to specific design guidance on parking and sustainable travel facilities that you should include in your planning application >

Accessible and Inclusive for Everybody

EDC’s accessible design guidance and tools are intended to help deliver homes and buildings that are accessible to everybody >

Community Buildings Design Criteria

EDC has developed key design criteria for all community buildings within Ebbsfleet >