Colour Palette

Paving, street furniture, & walling

Chalk quarries and the Ebbsfleet river valley

The colour palette is designed to create a distinctive character for the Chalk Quarries and the Ebbsfleet Valley character areas by reflecting the local context and geology. The palette references the pale hues of the sites distinctive chalk cliffs along with the blue greys of the flint found within the chalk and traditionally used as a building material in Kent. Warmer orange and browns will be used as accent colours in timber street furniture.

Inspiration taken from the local landscape for the colour palettes for the chalk quarries and Ebbsfleet River valley.

Northfleet Riverside

The colour palette proposed for Northfleet Embankment is designed to reflect the local context (e.g. Thames Riverside) and the site’s industrial heritage. The industrial heritage of the cement industry at Northfleet Riverside suggests a specific palette of chalky concrete for paving and warm yellow as an accent colour in street furniture for these embankment areas.

Inspiration for the Northfleet Embankment palette.