5. Intelligent Mobility

The final stage is to ensure the management of Ebbsfleet’s transport infrastructure and associated travel systems and services is able to respond to emerging technologies, changing travel behaviours, and changing travel conditions within the Ebbsfleet area.

The development of Ebbsfleet Central and the major new transport interchange will provide opportunities to include an integrated approach to managing travel within the central area, and use emerging technologies to improve access, affordability, efficiency and the comfort of these travel systems.

Emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, embedded sensors, smart mobility management, integrated ticketing, new charging systems and innovative new personal transport devices could all have a significant impact on how people chose to travel in Ebbsfleet.

  • Use of smart sensors within Ebbsfleet’s streets and travel system to provide an accurate real-time understanding of travel system performance.

  • Explore how this data can be presented to residents and transport users within the area to allow improved journey planning. For example, how could air quality monitoring be used to convey the healthiest route / travel mode at a certain time in Ebbsfleet?

  • Explore how this data can be used in the operation of the city’s transport systems / infrastructure to improve efficiencies. The following projects set out a number of areas that EDC could explore through the build out of Ebbsfleet central and the wider city to deliver intelligent mobility management.

Urban traffic management control

EDC are already working with KCC to upgrade the existing urban traffic management control system (UTMC) within the Ebbsfleet area. This system enables traffic signals to react to traffic conditions/traffic incidents and adapt traffic signal to ease congestion. The UTMC system integrates real time traffic information to inform road users of conditions via variable messaging signs.

Building on this system, EDC should continue to explore how other sustainable and smart transport technologies, such as bus priority, air quality information, real-time parking information, etc, can be integrated into the UTMC to facilitate a more joined-up, efficient and smarter transport system.

Fastrack prioritised junctions

The majority of the final Fastrack network is based on bus-only carriageways . However, a number of key junctions will be necessary where the Fastrack network intersects or combines with the standard road network, which could significantly impact the reliability of the Fastrack service. Bus-priority junction layouts will be used at these locations, using the latest technology to predict the arrival of late running buses and ensure they receive a green traffic signal, as they arrive.

Smart parking management

Planning for car parking within Ebbsfleet Central will provide a significant opportunity to introduce new technologies to improve the spatial efficiency of parking provision, and enable drivers to find an available parking space more easily.

EDC will continue to explore opportunities to achieve greater efficiencies in parking provision, and support Ebbsfleet’s role as a major regional transport hub that facilitates the transfer from private car to public transport.

Air quality monitoring

EDC will explore through the Ebbsfleet Central project how smart traffic management, environmental design and air quality monitoring and mapping may be used to manage air quality in the central area. Ebbsfleet will continue to grow alongside the active industrial sites along the banks of the Thames. The protected wharves and industrial facilities will continue to generate a significant number of HGV movements between the Thames and the A2, which may impact the air quality, and the attractiveness of travelling within the streets and public spaces within Ebbsfleet Central.

A number of existing and emerging approaches and technologies could be employed. These include the proactive planning of HGV movements through routing, scheduling could mitigate their impact on air quality, or the creation of an ultra-low emissions zone could establish requirements for vehicles travelling within Ebbsfleet Central.