Natural Environment Guidance

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Biodiversity Net Gain

Aim: Maximise the quantity + quality of habitats and species found in Ebbsfleet

Green Infrastructure

Aim: Maximise the quantity + quality of habitats and species found in Ebbsfleet

Biodiveristy Net Gain

Biodiversity net gain is an approach to the development and management of land to enhance the quantity and quality of habitats that will support local wildlife. National planning policy now requires all development delivers a 10% biodiversity uplift, however EDC’s own work has identified opportunities in some development areas to achieve upwards of 15-20% net gain in certain areas.

  1. Consider the context

    Although most of Ebbsfleet’s sites are former quarries, significant habitats and wildlife have re-inhabited these post industrial landscapes.

    Assess the existing ecological value of the wider area to determine the presence of UK protected and priority habitats and species.

    Particular consideration should be given to the presence of the Swanscombe Peninsula SSSI, and actions / approaches that will need to be considered to mitigate impacts, and manage access to it.

    Where existing habitats exist, tree and ecology surveys should be conducted, and subsequent reports should be followed in the design.

  2. Ensure connectivity

    Use the Ebbsfleet Implementation Framework, and the applicable outline masterplan to identify how the site will integrate and support the development of the green infrastructure grid across Ebbsfleet and the Thames Estuary.

    Existing green spaces, trees, green corridors, or other habitats should be linked in the local and wider context.

    Clever tree provision in the design can help to connect the streets and natural spaces together.

    Plants can be used as a natural barrier in place of fences.

    Create new green corridors to encourage connection and provide foraging and shelter areas as well as transit routes for wildlife as set out in the Ebbsfleet Implementation Framework and Outline Masterplans / Area Masterplans.

  3. Multifunctional green spaces

    When developing the vision for green spaces, consider how the space can support biodiversity as part of the wider blue and green infrastructure network, and the health and wellbeing of residents.

    Biodiverse spaces can provide attractive and safe spaces for walking and cycling routes, sports and leisure facilities, and in so doing enable a wider range of people to engage with nature on their doorstep.

  4. Ensure habitats are resilient to climate change

    Design green infrastructure and native species with climate change resilience and long term sustainability in mind, taking into account the abundance of sunlight and water provided on the site. Planting should not require irrigation.

  5. Don’t forget to make the home and back garden a haven for wildlife

    Basic design moves that can make a big difference to supporting wildlife in new homes;

    Include a 13 cm2 hole in all party fences to allow for the movement of hedgehogs.

    Include integrated bird-nests / lofts in every home.

    Include bee bricks on south or western façades with no vegetation in front of the fascia.

Green infrastructure

The vision for Ebbsfleet as a 21st Century Garden City is predicated on providing tree-lined and richly planted streets, parks and neighbourhoods, and large areas of open space to support the health and wellbeing of humans and nature living together. EDC has developed the Ebbsfleet Public Realm Strategy and Park Design Principles to define the vision, and provide detailed guidance that must be applied to all schemes in Ebbsfleet.

  1. Use the Ebbsfleet Public Strategy to set the vision for streets, parks and open spaces in Ebbsfleet

    The Public Realm Strategy provides landscape character analysis , street layouts and key performance criteria for all streets in Ebbsfleet that should be used as the starting point for scheme landscape design.

    A set of Park Design Principles have also been developed to enable assessment of park design at application stage.

  2. Maximise the number of trees planted in the streets, parks and parking areas

    Tree lined streets are intrinsic to the vision of a Garden City. Use the Ebbsfleet Public Realm Strategy to ensure the minimum number of street trees for each street typology can be incorporated into the street, without compromising lighting positions and visibility splays.

    Adhering to the minimum street tree KPI set out in the Public Realm Strategy will ensure Ebbsfleet trees achieve a minimum canopy cover of 20%. Tree canopy cover is the layer of leaves, branches, and tree stems that cover the ground. Urban trees provide many benefits, providing contact with nature, a backdrop for recreation and wellbeing, cooling and improving the air quality.

    Car parks provide a useful place to enhance the urban canopy. The Ebbsfleet Sustainable Travel Strategy requires trees to be planted between every car parking bay.

  3. Prioritise green roofs to minimise flood risk, the urban heating effect, and enhance biodiversity

    Roofs provide a potentially important surface and are considered in the Urban Greening Factor tool. A green roof system is an extension of the existing roof which involves a high-quality waterproofing and root repellent system, a drainage system, filter cloth, a lightweight growing medium and plants. Adding green roofs can also reduce rainwater runoff and the risk of surface flooding risk, create further opportunities for habitat creation to enhance biodiversity, and can help in reducing the urban heat island effect.

    Green roofs can now be combined with PV installations to maximise the functionality of flat roof space.

  4. Food growing

    The vision for Ebbsfleet is to provide community gardens, orchards, and allotments across every village.

    Schemes should consider opportunities to integrate community growing as well as the creative use of roofs, walls and balconies where external space is limited. There are many benefits associated with food growing, including improving the physical and mental health of residents, increasing biodiversity, improving air quality, reducing carbon emissions associated with long distance food distribution, and greening the urban landscape.

  5. Drought resistant planting

    Ebbsfleet is within a water scarce area, and ensuring our parks remain resilient to climate change is critical to long term stewardship of the Garden City. Choosing plants that can tolerate dry conditions once they are established is paramount to overcoming the challenge of gardening with less water. Design teams should prioritise plants that can tolerate dry soils and low levels of rainfall. These tend to be plants with light leaf colours that reflect rays of sunlight, such as grey-green or silvery leaves. Some plants also have fine hairy foliage and stems, which help retain moisture around the plant tissues.

  6. Use the Urban Greening Factor to demonstrate how green infrastructure has been integrated across a scheme’s surfaces

    The Urban Greening Factor (UGF) is a tool advocated by Natural England to evaluate the quality and quantity of natural features such as planting, water-bodies and green roofs - collectively referred to as urban greening.

    Use the UGF assessment calculator throughout the design process to iteratively test the level of urban greening across a scheme, and to also help to contribute towards the delivery of the biodiversity target.

  • Urban Greening Factor Report

    Submission should include a urban greening factor study that includes

    • A masterplan at 1:100 that is colour coded to show the different surface cover types

    • A completed Urban Green Factor table, showing the total area of each surface, and the factors used to calculate the total. A UGF calculator is included in the EDC Sustainable Assessment Schedule.

    Design and Access Landscape Strategy + Landscape masterplans

    These submission documents will be used to assess ;

    • Application of Ebbsfleet Public Realm Strategy guidance

    • Street tree canopy cover

    • Proximity of food growing areas

    • Drought resistance of planting