Side // Drive-through
A drive-through solution locates parking efficiently within the dwelling footprint, providing access to a second space to the rear if needed.
Drive-through parking areas should be aligned with the requirements set out in the diagram opposite, to provide a minimum width of 3.6m. This ensures passengers in a car’s front and rear can enter / exit cars easily when the car is parked in the garage (This aligns with Dartford Borough Council’s parking SPD)
If the garage is intended to satisfy bin storage and/or bicycle parking requirements, these can be accommodated through providing an additional width or depth as defined by the purple shaded areas in the diagram opposite.
The drive-through area should be secured with a semi-open gate to the front or the rear, that is open for 50% of its surface area. This is to discourage residents from using the space as an area for storage rather than parking.
House types incorporating drive-through parking should aim to include a habitable room with large windows at ground floor, to provide good passive surveillance.
Carefully consider the design and choice of materials of the flanking wall to the drive-through area. Drive-through areas are typically visible from the street, and heavily shaded, and therefore benefit from the use of warm materials that compliment the surrounding building.