Below // Podium
Podium parking is generally located below a raised platform that provides outdoor space for dwellings within the block, and efficiently conceals the parking below.
Locate in centre of blocks: Aim to locate the podium within the centre of the site/ block and maximise activity on streets around the perimeter to ensure natural surveillance and active streetscapes.
High quality outdoor spaces: Podiums should provide high quality outdoor space that includes trees and planting within private or shared outdoor spaces, or a combination of the two.
Active ground floor façades : Any elevation fronting onto a primary or secondary streets should be activated through the locating of communal facilities, ground floor dwellings, and/or complimentary uses such as small commercial or retail units at the ground floor.
Attractive and secure entrances : Consider the use of digital/remote access to vehicular and pedestrian entrances to optimise security of parking areas.
Attractive gates / ventilation areas: Use high quality bespoke screens/gates to create distinctive feature, and provide good natural lighting and ventilation into the car park.
Accessible : Aim to provide a direct wheelchair accessible route from the parking area to dwellings.