Applicants applying for planning permission within Ebbsfleet should use this section as non-statutory design guidance, to develop a travel strategy that promotes a choice of sustainable, affordable and convenient travel options, and a supporting parking approach.
The guidance is structured around 5 sequential steps set-out below, which applicants are expected to follow, and evidence this within their Design and Access Statement and Travel Strategy submission documents.
Step 1 : Provide sustainable travel facilities in your project
The starting point for all projects in Ebbsfleet should be the planning for and provision of facilities that promote and enable walking, cycling and public transport, and a consideration of emerging alternative technologies and systems, and the provision of supporting infrastructure and facilities.
Step 2: Align parking provision with sustainable travel plan
Step 3: Locate parking discretely
How will EDC use this guidance?
The guidance will be used by EDC (as the development management authority) to promote the provision of sustainable travel facilities in the first instance, and to locate an aligned level of parking in the appropriate locations within future developments. EDC will use this guidance to structure discussions during pre-application meetings and assess planning applications within the general consenting process.
For designers embarking on new projects without an existing planning permission, this guidance provides a clear process for developing a project’s bespoke travel strategy, to prioritise sustainable transport provision and use.
The 5 step process will be used in pre-app meetings to frame the design process, and focus design thinking on sustainable travel in the first instance. The expectation is that new applications will comply fully with the guidance, or explain why they do not align, framing any rationale against the ambitions for sustainable travel in Ebbsfleet.
For designers operating within the context of an existing outline planning permission (including outline masterplans, area masterplans and design codes ) this document provides supporting guidance, which can be used if the applicant considers it beneficial. Existing permissions will normally establish parking principles, which will continue to have relevance. EDC will aim to align future updates of existing area masterplans / parking management plans with this guidance as soon as is possible within the review timetabling of the existing permissions.
Relationship with existing planning framework
This guidance has been developed in alignment with the existing planning frameworks of Dartford Borough Council, Gravesham Borough Council and Kent County Council.
Dartford Borough Council’s ‘Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document’ (2012) explicitly states at 4.8 iii) “Large developments and sites that are well served by public transport provide an opportunity for innovative car parking and management measures that could result in a reduced need for parking spaces”. Ebbsfleet’s Sustainable Travel Strategy has been developed within this provision, establishing reduced parking standards for the large development site of ‘Ebbsfleet Valley’, subject to the provision of enhanced sustainable travel provision.
Gravesham Borough Council use Kent County Council’s Parking SPD. This SPD establishes ‘upper level’ parking standards, and thus EDC parking standards are within these maximums and thus deemed as aligned.
This guidance also supercedes the indicative parking standards established in the Ebbsfleet Implementation Framework. The Framework’s standards were developed as an interim measure, and it was noted at the time of drafting the need for further research and analysis on travel in the local context, to inform parking guidance. This strategy provides that analysis, and will be used to update the Implementation Framework in due course.