Step 4: Vehicle Charging
The electrification of the UK’s car fleet is expected to coincide directly with the timeframe for the build out of Ebbsfleet Garden City.
Vehicle charging of ultra low emission vehicles (ULEV) is therefore likely to become an increasingly important factor in facilitating medium and longer distance journeys, and needs to be planned for and designed into contemporary projects.
Charging technology is developing fast, and is expected to continue to evolve into the future, which makes planning the appropriate infrastructure even more difficult.
The guidance on vehicle charging provided under ‘Step 4’ in this guidance is intended to summarise emerging best practice, and establish clarity of expectation for applicants, until vehicle charging standards are formalised by Kent County Council.
Vehicle charging guidance
G30 Masterplans should consider existing and emerging charging technologies and develop a charging approach that maximises the ability of all residents to charge their ultra low emission vehicles (ULEV) safely, conveniently and discretely.
G31 Masterplans should provide space for rapid charging at key locations within a scheme / village, where the infrastructure can be efficiently located, and sensitivity incorporated into the urban structure for Ebbsfleet’s residents, visitors and employees.
G32 All dwellings with on plot parking should provide one active charging point (with a min. output rating 7kW - Mode 3 , AC ) This should be located discretely either within the garage, or where no garage is provided, on a side elevation (i.e. not facing the public realm), or integrated within the entrance porch for terraced dwellings.
“Active” - means the provision of an actual socket connected to the electrical supply system that vehicle owners can plug their vehicle into.
G33 All dwellings with unallocated communal parking should provide a minimum 10% active charging spaces (with a minimum output rating 7kW- Mode 3 , AC ) and provide passive charging spaces to the remaining 90% of the parking spaces
“Passive” refers to the provision of the network of cables and an associated power supply necessary so that at a future date a socket can be added easily. ( i.e. wiring and cable conduit in place under the car park for future use).
G34 All other uses with off street parking should provide a minimum 10% active charging spaces (with a minimum output rating 7kW- Mode 3 , AC) and provide passive charging spaces for an additional 10% of the parking spaces (i.e. wiring and cable conduit in place under the car park for future use. In situations where it is not possible to meet demand for ULEV parking on site, a financial contribution towards the provision of on-street charging points may be sought.
G35 Charging management ULEV parking spaces should be signed and marked for electric vehicle charging only, which will require ongoing management and enforcement. Charging points within general public parking spaces- for example at retail parks or places of work, must be accessible to the general public and employees. Publicly available charging points should be uploaded to, or an alternative mapping platform.
G36 ULEV charging space allocation and management plan should be included within Transport Assessments. This should also set out how ULEV parking for visitors and disabled users will be provided.
Further Guidance