Landscape Features

The natural landscape, hydrology, and industrial heritage combine to create a series of distinctive landscape features that should be used to establish a unique sense of place in Ebbsfleet Garden City.

A number of prominent landscape features are located along the River Thames. The prominent features include the mudflats (1) and marshes (7) on the Swanscombe Peninsula and the former harbour (5) and the existing embankment in Northfleet (6). The mudflats and marshes are valuable ecological landscapes and their natural beauty and dynamic relationship with water create recreational opportunities for current and future residents. Additionally, the Northfleet Harbour and Embankment create a recreational opportunity and is recognised as a future riverside promenade in the Ebbsfleet Implementation Framework.

Additional inland landscape features include Craylands Gorge (2), the former landfill in Ebbsfleet Central (3), and the exposed chalk cliffs that run throughout the Garden City (4). The former landfill provides a unique point of outlook over the River Thames and Ebbsfleet Valley and the exposed chalk cliffs provide an iconic backdrop for the development of the Garden City.

(1) Mudflats along the River Thames

(2) Craylands Gorge

(3) Former Landfill in Ebbsfleet Central

(4) Exposed chalk cliffs adjacent to Castle Hill Lake