National Character Areas

National Character Areas Ebbsfleet Garden City is located within two distinct national landscape character areas: The Greater Thames Estuary and the North Kent Plains. The Greater Thames Estuary is characterised by a remote and tranquil landscape of shallow creeks, drowned estuaries, low lying islands, mudflats and broad tracts of tidal salt marsh. The North Kent Plains is located within the inland areas and is generally characterised by productive agricultural areas with high-quality, fertile loam soils. The fertile soils have contributed to the site’s agricultural heritage of orchards, hops, and water crest beds that have helped it to contribute to Kent’s moniker as the ‘Garden of England.’

This diagram is based on Natural England’s NCA profiles

Open views along the Greater Thames Estuary

Open views along the Greater Thames Estuary

Greater Thames Estuary

  • Flat, low lying coastal landscape

  • Wide open views of Thames Estuary and sky

  • Views of industry and shipping

  • Feels remote, tranquil wilderness


Enclosed view within the North Kent Plains Quarries

Enclosed view within the North Kent Plains Quarries

North Kent Plains

  • Undulating chalk above sea level

  • Excavated by chalk quarrying

  • Now characterised by enclosed views with inward focus on chalk cliffs and lakes

  • Mix of secluded and tranquil areas and busy transport routes